Category Archives: Huffington Post

Promises to Sleep: New Year’s Resolutions You Can Keep

Promises To Sleep: New Year’s Resolutions You Can Keep In his poem, Stopping by the Woods on a Snowy Evening, Robert Frost writes, The woods are lovely, dark and deep, But I have promises to keep, And miles to go before I sleep, And miles to go before I sleep.

A Post-Election Vote Is In: Sleep Remains Essential

A POST- ELECTION VOTE IS IN: SLEEP REMAINS ESSENTIAL The election is over. I had written a recent article on Huffington Post, Are You Ready To Put This Election to Bed?…So you can get some sleep. , that gave some guidance to getting a good night’s sleep amidst the election turmoil and intensity. Yet, I […]

Why Major Corporations Now Realize They Can’t ‘Outsource Sleep’

Why Major Corporations Now Realize They Can’t ‘Outsource Sleep’ In our lightning-fast, on-demand, plugged-in workforce, top executives can outsource pretty much any task they can’t find the time or energy to do themselves. Except, of course, sleep. Lately, a growing wave of top business leaders have been pulling out all the creative stops to encourage […]

Your Sleep Revolution Begins

Your Sleep Revolution Begins With Arianna’s book release, The Sleep Revolution: Transforming Your Life One Night at a Time , it’s a great time to begin and commit to your personal sleep crusade. While longstanding poor sleep habits do not change overnight, simple shifts can give you swift feedback and recognizable results to inspire a […]

Simply Surrendering to Slumber

Simply Surrendering to Slumber For babies, it appears so easy. Remember, you were once an infant who could surrender to slumber without much of a fuss, short of colic, a dirty diaper or unmet hunger. But today, as an adult, do you find yourself struggling for something once so simple and now so elusive?

Thirsty for Sleep?

Thirsty For Sleep? When your body and brain send signals that you’re thirsty, likely you respond by getting something to drink. It’s not likely you find excuses that quenching your thirst can wait a few more hours. When your body and brain send signs that you’re sleepy, what do you do?

The ROI of a Good Night’s Sleep

The ROI of a Good Night’s Sleep For cost conscious employers, it’s time to regard employee sleep as a core corporate investment. Employee sleep is a valuable asset with an ROI demanding attention. The question is not when you will offer Sleep Wellness initiatives, but if you can afford not to.

Daylight Saving Time 2013

The Case For Moving Daylight Saving Time When we turned our clocks forward one hour earlier Sunday morning to mark the start of Daylight Saving Time, it was with more than a little anxiety. We’re well-versed in the all-too-real risks of getting too little sleep, and yes, that one lost hour can make a difference.