Nancy in the News

The topic of sleep is in the news and media regularly. The Sleep Ambassador’s goal is to provide you with the best information and resources that will lead to optimizing your sleep, as well as that of your family, employees, and colleagues.

Promises to Sleep: New Year’s Resolutions You Can Keep

Promises To Sleep: New Year’s Resolutions You Can Keep In his poem, Stopping by the Woods on a Snowy Evening, Robert Frost writes, The woods are lovely, dark and deep, But I have promises to keep, And miles to go before I sleep, And miles to go before I sleep.

A Post-Election Vote Is In: Sleep Remains Essential

A POST- ELECTION VOTE IS IN: SLEEP REMAINS ESSENTIAL The election is over. I had written a recent article on Huffington Post, Are You Ready To Put This Election to Bed?…So you can get some sleep. , that gave some guidance to getting a good night’s sleep amidst the election turmoil and intensity. Yet, I […]

11 Tricks to Actually Help You Fall Asleep — Once and for All

11 Tricks to *Actually* Help You Fall Asleep – Once and for All The nightly struggle to fall asleep is real. In fact, so many people have trouble getting enough shuteye (around 60 million!), the Centers for Disease Control has categorized lack of sleep as a public health problem. In other words, we’re basically all […]

Bridging the Gaps for Sleep Apnea Patients

Bridging the Gaps for Sleep Apnea Patients The Sleep Apnea Patient-Centered Outcomes Network (SAPCON) is a virtual patient-powered research network initiated in 2013. Available online at, the network was stimulated by the Patient-Centered Outcomes Research Institute (PCORI) vision of creating a “network of networks” of diverse stakeholders collaborating to accelerate patient-centered comparative effectiveness research.

Nancy Rothstein on SLEEP – Part 1

‎vidalSPEAKS: 24 – PART 1 – Nancy Rothstein on SLEEP – All You Didn’t Know But Need To Know About SLEEP! on Apple Podcasts ‎Let me introduce you to the SLEEP AMBASSADOR Nancy Rothstein. Once you hear what she has to say you will begin your sleep revolution! She tells us how have never been […]

Style a Master Bedroom as a Sleep Retreat

Style a Master Bedroom as a Sleep Retreat There’s big buzz these days about the importance of getting enough Z’s for health, happiness, and productivity. Help clients analyze if a master bedroom can incorporate all the essentials to promote a good night’s sleep.

Why Major Corporations Now Realize They Can’t ‘Outsource Sleep’

Why Major Corporations Now Realize They Can’t ‘Outsource Sleep’ In our lightning-fast, on-demand, plugged-in workforce, top executives can outsource pretty much any task they can’t find the time or energy to do themselves. Except, of course, sleep. Lately, a growing wave of top business leaders have been pulling out all the creative stops to encourage […]

Your Sleep Revolution Begins

Your Sleep Revolution Begins With Arianna’s book release, The Sleep Revolution: Transforming Your Life One Night at a Time , it’s a great time to begin and commit to your personal sleep crusade. While longstanding poor sleep habits do not change overnight, simple shifts can give you swift feedback and recognizable results to inspire a […]

8 Tips for Finding the Best Sleep Position for Your Health

8 Tips for Finding the Best Sleep Position for Your Health Advice on sleep hygiene-habits we can adopt to help us get higher quality, more restful sleep-abounds. We’ve heard about the benefits of turning off our phones an hour before bed, avoiding caffeine in the evening, and keeping our bedroom dark and cool, but how […]

Simply Surrendering to Slumber

Simply Surrendering to Slumber For babies, it appears so easy. Remember, you were once an infant who could surrender to slumber without much of a fuss, short of colic, a dirty diaper or unmet hunger. But today, as an adult, do you find yourself struggling for something once so simple and now so elusive?

8 Common Sleep Habits That Are Ruining Your Skin

8 Common Sleep Habits That Are Ruining Your Skin “Your body needs rest where you’re not moving to go through the natural repair processes of recovery,” Joel Schlessinger, board certified dermatologist and RealSelf advisor, tells SELF. “This process includes making new collagen, improving circulation, and reducing under-eye puffiness.” Score better sleep by aiming for seven […]

Thirsty for Sleep?

Thirsty For Sleep? When your body and brain send signals that you’re thirsty, likely you respond by getting something to drink. It’s not likely you find excuses that quenching your thirst can wait a few more hours. When your body and brain send signs that you’re sleepy, what do you do?

The ROI of a Good Night’s Sleep

The ROI of a Good Night’s Sleep For cost conscious employers, it’s time to regard employee sleep as a core corporate investment. Employee sleep is a valuable asset with an ROI demanding attention. The question is not when you will offer Sleep Wellness initiatives, but if you can afford not to.

The average worker loses 11 days of productivity each year due to insomnia, and companies are taking notice

The average worker loses 11 days of productivity each year due to insomnia, and companies are taking notice Corporate America has long tried to help its employees stop smoking, eat healthier and get in better shape. More recently, companies have been rolling out ways to help them manage their finances. And now, more are making […]

Secrets to Better Sleep

Secrets to Better Sleep and Wealth In a classic Seinfeld episode entitled, “The Friar’s Club,” Jerry Seinfeld’s neighbor Kramer attempts to copy Leonardo Da Vinci’s unusual sleeping pattern. According to Kramer, the master slept only twenty minutes every three hours. As he explained to Jerry, “Now that works out to two and a half extra […]

Wake-up Call: Why Everyone Needs More Sleep

Wake-up Call: Why Workers Need More Sleep Margaret Thatcher famously claimed to need only four hours of sleep a night. Yahoo CEO Marissa Mayer reportedly gets four to six, and fashion executive Tom Ford boasts of a mere three. But the rest of us need more sleep and, increasingly, we aren’t getting it.

How To Break Your Sleep Procrastination Habit

How To Break Your Sleep Procrastination Habit Just as we procrastinate when it comes to work, exercise, or other activities, we are probably also procrastinating when it’s time to go to bed. A June 2014 study published by researchers at Utrecht University in the Netherlands found that the 177 participants typically experienced moderate levels of […]